Friday, July 14, 2006

EarthTrends: Environmental Information

EarthTrends is a comprehensive online database, maintained by the World Resources Institute, that focuses on the environmental, social, and economic trends that shape our world.

EarthTrends gathers data from the world’s leading statistical agencies, along with World Resources Institute -generated maps and analyses, into a single database for rapid searching and retrieving. To facilitate the comparison of data from different sources, EarthTrends supplements its content with detailed metadata that reports on research methodologies and evaluates the information’s reliability. All of these resources are made available to the public at no charge.

Recently, EarthTrends updated a number of indicators in the searchable database, including those relating to income inequality, the number of threatened species, and agricultural production and trade. For a list of database updates, click on Earth Trends Databases.

In addition to databases, EarthTrends offers the following tools: maps, country profiles, data tables, and features (including articles). Their comprehensive themes include: Coastal and Marine Ecosystems; Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems; Climate and Atmosphere; Population, Health & Human Well-being; Economics, Business & the Environment; Energy and Resources; Biodiversity and Protected Areas; Agriculture and Food; Forests, Grasslands and Drylands; Environmental Governance and Institutions.

The World Resources Institute is an environmental think tank that goes beyond research to create practical ways to protect the Earth and improve people’s lives. Their mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth’s environment for current and future generations.


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