New Orleans Public Library Book Pledge: Tax Deductible Contribution

Brookfield Zoo Library often purchases books from Powell's for our collection. Powell's roots began in Chicago, where Michael Powell, as a University of Chicago graduate student, opened his first bookstore in 1970. Encouraged by friends and professors, including novelist Saul Bellow, Michael borrowed $3,000 to assume a lease on a bookstore. The venture proved so successful that he managed to repay the loan within two months. Today, you can browse their online store at for new and used titles.
Be part of's fundraising drive to help rebuild the New Orleans Public Library. Your contribution will put books and educational materials back into the hands of New Orleans families!
How It Works:
Purchase a book pledge (or pledges) for $8.95 each.
Suggest a book for the New Orleans Public Library collection during the check-out process.
Your pledge is delivered to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation, a 501(c)(3) educational and charitable organization whose mission is to support the New Orleans Public Library.
Donors will receive an email confirmation from and, subsequently, a letter acknowledging their tax deductible contribution from the New Orleans Public Library Foundation.
For more information, visit Powells online.
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